by biologi | Jan 13, 2022 | Event in preparation for the asiin international accreditation visitation, the S1 Biology study Program on Thursday (13/1) held a series of activities with faculty, students and alumni. The preparation of the visitation is intended so that each party...
by biologi | Nov 26, 2019 | News
Department of Biology Faculty of Science and Mathematics Diponegoro University in the term of Gasal 2019/2020 received new learners as many as 148 students consisting of 144 people entered the regular class and 4 people entered the class of International Undergraduate...
by biologi | Nov 26, 2019 | News
(Head of the Department of Biology giving a speech) Department of Biology FSM Undip to Mrs. Dr. Enny Yusuf Wachidah Yuniwarti, MP Department of Biology lecturer who has entered the Purnatugas period since June 2019, on Tuesday, August 20, 2019 held Workshop with the...
by biologi | Nov 26, 2019 | academic information, Announcement
Information submitted to all biology students from 2018 and earlier generations who took (or repeated) semester I Beg to make the attention that: Students attending coursework MUST fill the list by the prevailing mechanisms. The course of the semester I (plant...