“Dr. Anto Budiharjo, Researcher at Diponegoro University, Successfully Discovers New Enzyme for PET Plastic Degradation in the PETase for Environment Project.”
bio.fsm.undip.ac.id. Dr.rer.nat Anto Budiharjo, M.Biotech., a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, has conducted...
Research by Drs. Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, M.Kes.: Enhancing Tilapia Productivity through Water Quality Management
bio.fsm.undip.ac.id. Dr. Muhammad Anwar Djaelani, M.Kes., a lecturer in the Department of Biology specializing in the Structure and Function of Animals, has conducted significant research aimed at...
Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D.’s Research Unveils the Wonders of Environmental DNA in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Bedono Village, Central Java
bio.fsm.undip.ac.id. Ni Kadek Dita Cahyani, a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Universitas Diponegoro, has captured the attention of the...
Implementation of the midterm exam (UTS) odd 2022/2023 Biology Study Program
bio.fsm.undip.ac.id. Students of the Biology study Program in October 2022 are scheduled to take the midterm exam (UTS). Some technical information that needs to be prepared by biology students in the 2022/2023 Odd Semester Exam in the Biology study Program are : 1....
Announcement of research Proposal and Community Service Undip FSM Grant 2022 for students who pass the Biology study program selection
In connection with the research and Community Service Grant Program from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University in 2022, herewith, research and Community Service proposals were submitted which passed the selection by the S1 Biology study program...
Information on biological students of force 2018 and earlier who repeat the 1st Semester
Information submitted to all biology students from 2018 and earlier generations who took (or repeated) semester I Beg to make the attention that: Students attending coursework MUST fill the list by the prevailing mechanisms. The course of the semester I (plant...