Alumni Corner

The Bachelor’s Degree Program in Biology, Faculty of Science and Mathematics (FSM) at Diponegoro University, has produced graduates who are competent and competitive across various professional sectors. Alumni from the FSM Undip Biology program have made significant contributions in academics, industry, and government, proving that biological education plays a strategic role in the development of science and a biotechnology-based economy.

Many of our graduates pursue careers as researchers and academics, both in national and international research institutions, and as lecturers in various universities. They actively contribute to the development of life sciences, biological technology, and innovations in conservation, biotechnology, and aquaculture.

In the industrial sector, FSM Undip Biology alumni hold strategic positions as managers, directors, and experts in companies engaged in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, and natural resource management. Additionally, many graduates have thrived as successful entrepreneurs, developing businesses based on applied biology, such as sustainable aquaculture, bioprospecting of natural resources, and ecology- and environment-based industries.

Furthermore, many FSM Undip Biology graduates have built careers as civil servants (PNS) and bureaucrats, contributing to environmental policies, natural resource management, and the development of biological technologies in public services.

The success of these alumni demonstrates that FSM Undip Biology graduates possess strong competencies, are adaptive to the developments in science and technology, and are able to meet the challenges of an increasingly dynamic job market. With a research-based curriculum, extensive laboratory experience, and a wide network of collaborations, the Biology Program at FSM Undip remains committed to producing outstanding generations of scientists and professionals.

Let’s work together to build competence and a brighter future by joining the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Biology at FSM Undip!


Wireni Ayuningtyas, I.AS., S.Si., M.KesPeneliti di PT. Bio Farma (BUMN)
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Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si., M.Si
Ketua Program Studi S2 & S3 Sumber Daya Akuatik Universitas Diponegoro
Linkedin Logo Aninditia Sabdaningsih
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Ita Novita Sari, PhDResearch Fellow at A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) - Cancer Signaling & Therapies
Linkedin Logo Ita Novita Sari
Owner of PT. Alga Bioteknologi Indonesia
Linkedin Logo Falasifah
Linkedin Logo Albitec
Albitec Logo
Ijmalistiqlaliah Rahim
Medical Consultant at Indegene, Assigned to Organon Asia Pacific
L'Oreal Sorority in Science Awardee
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Amnan Haris, S.Si., M.Ling
Dosen Ilmu Lingkungan di Universitas Negeri Semarang
Owner Bimbel Pandu
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Dr. Mentari Putri Pratami, M.SiPeneliti Pusat Riset Biosistematika dan Evolusi, BRIN
Nindya Putra, S.Si, M.Si


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