Broccoli turns out to be one of the Living Places for philosopher bacteria. Ariya’s son (NIM. 24020118140081) examined the potential of this philosopher bacteria as a Phytopathogen biocontrol (Ralstonia solanacearum) and Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB). On Wednesday, December 21, 2022, Ariya Putra successfully defended his scientific work as a requirement to pass the Bachelor of Biology in front of a team of Examiners and mentors. The supervisor is Dr. rer. nat. Anto Budiharjo, M. Biotech and Dr. Sri Pujiyanto, S.Si, M.Si has given many suggestions and inputs in completing Ariya Putra’s research related to this philosopher bacteria. In this final exam led by the Chief Examiner, Dr. Drs. Wijanarka, M.Si. implementation of the exam took place smoothly in the courtroom Department of Biology Building C FSM Undip. The spirit of researching may always be owned by Ariya Putra who sakrang has been declared graduated as a Bachelor of Biology. Congratulations and success to Ariya Putra.



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