In connection with the research and Community Service Grant Program from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University in 2022, herewith, research and Community Service proposals were submitted which passed the selection by the S1 Biology study program team as follows :

I. Research Proposal Passed The Selection

Title : potential wealth of local Genetic Resources tubers as National Food Security in Mijen District, Semarang City, Central Java (Chairman: Devi Raj Angely & team).

Title : effectiveness test of Taro stem extract and Banana midrib Ambon on Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli as antiseptic preparation of wound Medicine (chairman: Ribki El Fahmi & team).

Title : Weed Exploration Has Potential As Bioherbisidan Pre-Grow (Chairman: Latifata Nuril Badi’ah & Team).

Title: potency test of Nanokitosan preparation ethanol extract of neem leaf (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) On The Fertility Of Female Sprague Dawley Rats (Chair : Erlalana Hansel Christian Sitepu & Tim).

Title: quality liquid organic fertilizer (POC) made from rice washing waste and coconut water to increase Orchid growth Aerides odorata Lour. (Chairman: Khudz Maisaroh & Tim)

II. Community Service Proposal Passed The Selection

Title: skill training for making Multimedia-based Mouse vaginal smear preparations to improve understanding of biological material for Grade XI students of SMA Negeri 1 Donorojo Jepara. (Chairman: Alya Thala Zhafira & Team)

Title: manufacture of processed food products made from Mokaf as a source of anti-Stunting nutrition for teachers of SMP Muhammadiyah Sinar Fajar Cawas Klaten. (Chairman: Nur Zhafirah Marchalin & Team).

Title: Multimedia-based male reproductive organ isolation skill training to improve the understanding of biology material of XI grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Donorojo Jepara. (Chairman: Deviana Rahma Azzahra & Team).

Title: potency of Mangrove extract Rhizopora mucronata as antioxidant feed of shrimp to handle Vibriosis disease in Pokdakan Sido Makmur Group. (Chairman: Muhammad Choirul & Team).

The S1 Biology study program congratulated the student team whose research Proposal and Community Service had been declared eligible to be funded with the FSM Grant in 2022. Similarly, the S1 Biology study program also expressed appreciation and gratitude to the student team who participated in proposing research and service proposals but have not passed on this occasion. Keep the spirit to work better for the sake of progress with Prodi S1 Biology. Thank you.



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