History of the Department of Biology

by | Sep 25, 2019

History of the Department of Biology The Department of Biology of Diponegoro University was founded in 1975. It was a consolidation of several basic biological service units in various biology-based faculties, such as the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries. At its establishment, the Department of Biology served as a facilitator of education and practica in the field of Biology for several faculties. In accordance with the Development Master Plan of Diponegoro University at that time, the Department of Biology developed into an embryo of the Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science and Mathematics. In 1988, Diponegoro University launched 3 new study programs, namely: Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. During this time, the Department of Mathematics was structurally still under the Faculty of Engineering. The operational management of the four study programs (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics) was the responsibility of the Management Agency of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, based on the decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University No. 63/SK/PT09/1988. The decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0369/O/1993 officially established the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Diponegoro University. The legality of the Biology Study Program was supported by the decree of Minister of Education and Culture No. 220/DIKTI/Kep/1996. Since then, the Biology program developed its internal organization and management and rapidly improved. In 2009 with the decree of DIKTI No. 818/D/T/2009, dated May 27, 2009, the Department of Biology developed a Master of Biology Study Program. Based on the decree of the Rector of Diponegoro University No. 1122/UN7. P/HK/2016, from the year 2016, the Biology Study Program was rebranded into the Department of Biology, hosting 2 study programs. Therese were the Undergraduate Biology Study Program and the Postgraduate Biology Study Program. In 2018, the Undergraduate Biotechnology Study Program was established. To summarize, the Department of Biology currently coordinates 3 study programs, namely: The Undergraduate Biology Study Program, the Undergraduate Biotechnology Study Program, and the Postgraduate Biology Study Program (Magister level).



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