In an effort to utilize the abundant natural resources, the Pekalongan Regency government initiated a nutrition garden program represented by one village in each subdistrict. Blimbingwuluh Village, located in Siwalan Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency, was selected to represent its area in implementing the program. To support this, UNDIP KKN (Student Community Service) Team II participated with knowledge from various disciplines to create sustainable innovations in the nutrition garden program and the development of sustainable aquaponics.

Afnia Kusumawardhani, a student of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Biology Study Program, focused her activities on the utilization of household organic waste, which is often discarded, by turning it into organic fertilizer beneficial for the village’s nutrition garden. Located at Ghoni’s home, the owner of the land for the nutrition garden, a smooth and successful explanation and handover took place regarding the importance and ease of converting organic waste into solid organic fertilizer, in line with biological principles (10/08/24).

Waste management, especially for organic waste, in Blimbingwuluh Village remains quite traditional, with both organic and inorganic waste being burned. This practice poses many environmental risks. On the other hand, the need for healthy, high-quality food has increased in recent times due to the global food crisis and growing awareness of healthy living. Therefore, UNDIP KKN Team II decided to participate in the nutrition garden and sustainable aquaponics program as a practical solution for organic waste management in Blimbingwuluh Village.

The activity began with the design of the nutrition garden and sustainable aquaponics, to be built in Ghoni’s yard. The next phase involved collecting organic waste, producing solid organic fertilizer, and applying it to the nutrition garden. Afnia Kusumawardhani provided instructions and explanations on how to make solid organic fertilizer from household organic waste.

The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session on the techniques explained and a discussion of the challenges of producing solid organic fertilizer and implementing a sustainable nutrition garden program.

Ghoni, the owner of the nutrition garden land, expressed his happiness in being able to help and participate in the program. “As the representative for this program, I hope that the nutrition garden program, including the participation of UNDIP KKN students, can serve as a good example for other villages so that in the future they can better utilize and manage organic waste,” he said.

This organic waste utilization program initiated by UNDIP KKN Team II proves that with simple innovation, we can create a significant impact on the environment and the welfare of the community. (Contributors: Afnia and Team)



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